Proper heading for college essay
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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Final Test Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Last Test - Essay Example The impact of this is the peruser doesn't get a kind of â€Å"whiplash†when managing the exchanging points that the creator tries to uncover. Be that as it may, the general shortcoming of such a methodology is the way that the writer doesn't have a wide enough topic so as to connect with the peruser with an undifferentiated account approach, for example, the one that has been utilized without gambling dwelling on the point and losing the consideration of the peruser. Despite the fact that the topic is in any case captivating, it is hard to clutch the factious account with such a restricted and shallow grasp upon a tight part of the topic. The third book, Sizwe's Test, utilizes a blended style of contention that is concentric upon both answer and definition. By methods for utilizing such a methodology, the writer can draw in the peruser by bringing up key issues with respect to the degree of the AIDs difficulty in S. Africa while simultaneously offering a rejoinder for the met hods by which the infection can't be eased back or halted indeed. As opposed to endeavoring to characterize the issue and contend for a given result, the creator looks to characterize the issue and afterward counter the manners by which the ailment has been at present dealt with. As a component of this, a far more prominent and progressively powerful contention is drawn and the peruser can increase important knowledge into the malady as it exists just as endeavoring to comprehend subtleties that would somehow or another be darkened by a great part of the disinformation.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Abbreviations and Acronyms for English Learners
Contractions and Acronyms for English Learners Any abbreviated type of a word or expression is a condensing. Abbreviations are additionally a kind of shortened form that can be articulated as a solitary word.â Contractions are specifically utilized in spoken discussion just as composed English. By and large, regular truncations, for example, estimations and titles are constantly abridged in composed structure. Days and months are regularly worked out. On the web, shortened forms and abbreviations are generally basic in messaging, visit rooms and in SMS. In communicated in English, we frequently use shortened forms in casual discussions. A decent dependable guideline is to utilize contractions and abbreviations that you realize others know about, and maintain a strategic distance from them when they are excessively explicit. For instance, in the event that you are having a discussion with a business partner it might be proper to utilize contractions specific to your profession. Be that as it may, the utilization of business related shortenings would be strange if talking with companions. Here is a manual for the absolute most normal contractions. Titles One of the most well-known sorts of contractions is the abbreviated word. Either the initial not many letters of a wordâ or significant letters in the word are utilized for this sort of condensing. Basic contractions incorporate titles utilized in regular discussion, just as military positions: Mr. - MisterMrs. - MistressMs. - MissDr. - DoctorJr. - JuniorSr. - SeniorCapt. - CaptainComdr. - CommanderCol. - ColonelGen. - GeneralHon. - the HonorableLt. - LieutenantRev. - the Reverend Other regular shortened forms include: Months of the Year Jan. - JanuaryFeb. - FebruaryMar. - MarchApr. - AprilAug. - AugustSept. - SeptemberOct. - OctoberNov. - NovemberDec. - December Days of the Week Mon. - MondayTues. - TuesdayWed. - WednesdayThurs. - ThursdayFri. - FridaySat. - SaturdaySun. - Sunday Weight and Volume lady. - gallonlb - poundoz - ouncept - pintqt - quartwt. - weightvol. - volume Time hr - hourmin - minutesec - second Length - US/UK in. - inchft - footmi - mileyd - yard Measures in Metrics kg - kilogramkm - kilometerm - metermg - milligrammm - millimeter Beginning Letter Abbreviations Beginning letter shortenings takeâ the first letter of each significant word in a short expression to make up the contraction. Relational words are typically kept separate from introductory letter truncations. One of the most widely recognized beginning letter contractions is the USA - United States of America. Notice how the relational word of is kept separate from this condensing. Other regular beginning letter shortened forms include: Bearings N - NorthS - SouthE - EastW - WestNE - NortheastNW - NorthwestSE - SoutheastSW - Southwest Significant Institutions BBC - British Broadcasting CorporationEU - European UnionIRS - Internal Revenue ServiceNASA - National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNATO - North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationUNICEF - United Nations Childrens FundWHO - World Health Organization Sorts of Measurement MPH - Miles per hourRPM - Revolutions per minuteBtu - British warm unitsF - FahrenheitC - Celsius SMS, Texting, Chat Numerous contractions are utilized on the web and in our day by day lives with cell phones, talk rooms, and so forth. Here are a couple, however follow the connections for a total rundown in sequential request. B4N - Bye for nowASAP - As soon as possibleNP - No problemTIC - Tongue in cheek Abbreviations Abbreviations are starting letter shortenings that are articulated as single word. To take the models from over, the BBC isn't an abbreviation since it is articulated as it is spelled: the B - B - C. Be that as it may, NATO is an abbreviation since it is articulated as single word. Quickly is another abbreviation, yet ATM isn't. Tips for Using Abbreviations and Acronyms Use contractions while messaging by learning normal messaging abbreviationsUse abbreviations as a memory helper to assist you with learning a more extensive scope of jargon. As it were, take a rundown of words you need to learn and remember the principal letters of each word you need to learn. For instance, essential hues: RBYred, blue, yellow.Use shortenings when composing fast messages in a casual voice.Do not use contractions or when composing formal messages, reports or letters with the exception of regular association namesFor progressively unprecedented abbreviations, utilize the whole name followed by the abbreviation in brackets the first occasion when you utilize the abbreviation in quite a while. For instance: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is answerable for advancing cash to countries. As the world encounters increasingly financial troubles, the job of the IMF is regularly raised doubt about.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Household Behavior and Demand Essay
Family conduct is one of the any fundamental ideas in financial matters which affects advertise patterns. Family unit request, for example, can be viewed as identified with purchaser decisions as far as which items are for the most part purchased in the market and which items need more supplies as far as thing creation and its relating portion. One of the numerous fundamental highlights of family unit request is its comparing impact on what is being given in the market and, all the more significantly, the amounts or stock that is being assigned in the market. It appears to be very evident that the amounts of specific items in the marketâ€for occasion, in a specific territory or a certain supermarketâ€are designed by the current interest and the predicted requests a sooner or later, state inside a casing of half a month time. Family unit conduct, for its consequences for showcase patterns to be acknowledged and comprehended, must be taken from a general and aggregate point of view since a solitary explicit family unit conduct can't completely be considered as the exact and sole measure in deciding the general family conduct valid for all o most occasions with respect to advertise patterns. For instance, it has been seen that Chinese individuals depend generally on the costs of items in figuring out which ones are the best purchases. Paul French notes that â€Å"for logical Chinese customers, value remains the base line†which means that â€Å"win on cost and you win†(French, 2007). Thus, with regards to Chinese families, makers of specific merchandise ought to extraordinarily consider the way that Chinese family units will in all probability lean toward merchandise which are moderately lower in cost when contrasted with different items in the market all together remain on the opposition. To have the option to deal with the value file of a specific item in the market intends to have the option to win the market rivalry if the Chinese family unit conduct is the essential premise to be utilized. The discernment seems sufficiently straightforward: family conduct decides family request which, in result, influences an enormous bit of certain market patterns. Consequently, to break down a particular market pattern for a particular item involves the examination and comprehension of specific patterns in family unit request brought about by family unit conduct. A current family unit request, say, for breakfast grains can be viewed the aggregate family conduct as far as oat utilization for as far back as a half year for the area of Chicago, for instance. Given a moderately high utilization rate for breakfast oats with the cost not surpassing $4 per box among families, organizations delivering breakfast oats may have the relating choice to design their item as indicated by the current interest. In spite of the fact that it may not basically be the situation that organizations will forfeit costs of their items so as to satisfy the need for the estimation of the items, having the option to modify item costs in understanding to the current market costs will in all likelihood lead to great outcomes with respect to the organizations since advertise request is met. Very despite what might be expected, there are as yet other related components which obstruct the accomplishment of bringing costs agreeing down to the spending plan and salary of family units which decide their ability to purchase and expend certain items. All the more as of late, a few moment noodle partnerships in China experience issues in bringing down the costs of their items due to raising costs in wheat and other homestead wares (Zhu, 2007). With costs in moment noodlesâ€a well known item among people with pitiful budgetâ€soaring, even the family unit request or minimal effort moment noodles may barely dissuade organizations from bringing down the costs of their merchandise just to fulfill the current need in the market. With respect to family units, legitimate portion of pay can be one cure so as to check pointless spending in order to have the option to allot financial plan on merchandise which the families regard as a critical piece of their pay spending. For this situation, family unit conduct and request gives off an impression of being designed by the current market patterns which is the inverse or converse instance of what has been given before. Thus, it is likewise conceivable to have a family conduct or purchaser decision that depends on existing business sector inclines separated from the likelihood that market patterns may likewise be founded on existing customer decision and family conduct. Assigning salary to augment utility is one family conduct that decides purchaser decision over the long haul. For example, there is the perception that â€Å"household use designs are influenced by the portion of family pay gathering to women†(Hopkins, Levin, and Haddad, 1994). Given this recognition, the selections of customers over a huge range of items contending in the market isn't just influenced by outer components dictated by organizations yet additionally by interior components growing from family unit utilization examples of specific products corresponding to the household’s spending assignment. As far as pay and replacement impacts, the adjustments in the costs of specific merchandise are proposed to modify the requests for such products. Changes in relative costs just as changes in the buying influence of the cash pay can enormously adjust the current requests for, state, a morning meal oat. Regardless of whether the costs for breakfast oats continue as before for a given period, adjustments in the salary will result to an equivalent change in the spending limitation (Hamermesh, 1977). Then again, if the cost of breakfast oats changes, the spending imperative will change as needs be. One solid route in further understanding the circumstance is that so as to boost the utility with the diminished spending requirement, the family will in general have moves in their examples of utilization. For example, with the spending imperative emerging from the diminishing in the money’s buying influence, family units will in general expand the utility of cash by expanding the isolation of acquisition of products dependent on minimal effort inclination. A guide to this is when family units buy merchandise with moderately lower costs given a spending plan of $20 which results to more acquisition of different products while then again families buying products with generally more significant expenses will result to lesser expansion of the utility or lesser products bought with the $20 financial plan. Subsequently, wage rates likewise share a significant part in deciding family unit conduct and request just as buyer decision. It has been seen that the paces of wages of specific gatherings of individuals have comparing suggestions on the buying intensity of families. To show up at the perception that the compensation of a family is diminished relates to the perception that the buying limit of a similar family unit relatively, if not fundamentally, diminishes. A higher pay, at that point, will mean a higher ability to buy merchandise in the market. In the bigger plan, a gathering of family units with a high pace of compensation will in all likelihood have higher buying limit along these lines instigating the family conduct of expanded spending accepting the family unit has lesser inclinations to spare their salary. Essentially, a specific market request will be invoked so that a specific decent, for example, will encounter an expansion popular which requires a relating increment in products being provided. In this way, it tends to be noticed that the general rate in family unit request will moderately build given the expansion in compensation. Then again, loan costs may significantly modify or move the persevering interest from family units towards a specific decent. For example, a higher financing costs for bought advances by family units will unquestionably result to a higher genuine expense of procurement in the satisfaction of all installments made for the advance. It is very obvious that an expansion of 2% in loan fees from 4% to 6% will unquestionably correspondingly affect the real expense of the great bought. Generally, higher loan fees mean greater expense of buys, diminished family unit spending given a fixed pace of wages, and a lesser spending on different products which result to a relating decline in the interest for those different merchandise. The cost of relaxation additionally has a critical job in grasping the examples in family unit request and buyer decisions. For example, more significant expenses in the expense of plane ventures would involve that the buyer will decide on the carrier supplier with the least expense. A decrease in the inclination for carriers with nearly higher aircraft costs will in all probability be felt expecting that a given arrangement of shoppers have fixed salary. Spending requirements in a domain of expanding costs in recreation empower one to see the family interest for existing relaxation. To be sure, it has been seen that few market patterns can be seen and dissected utilizing the observations on family conduct and interest for specific merchandise and items. The interrelationships existing between the market pattern and the family unit conduct is clear in spite of the fact that eventually a few exemptions would need to be made. Fundamental to this comprehension is the view that there might be genuine spending imperatives and that costs of wares may really move even without the nearness of the move, for example, a decrease or grade in the interest from family units. In any case, there are numerous cases wherein family unit conduct has its suggestions on the current market patterns. References French, P. (2007). At the point when the Best Buy Is No Buy. The Wall Street Journal(August 7). Hamermesh, D. S. (1977). A Note on Income and Substitution Effects in Search Unemployment. The Economic Journal, 87(346), 312. Hopkins, J. , Levin, C. , and Haddad, L. (1994). Women’s Income and Household Expenditure Patterns: Gender or Flow? Proof from Niger. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(5), 1219. Zhu, E. (2007). China’s Battle Aga
Comparative of the Great Gatsby, Casablanca and Translations Essay
The writings which I have concentrated in my near course are â€Å"The Great Gatsby†(G.G.) composed by F. Scott Fitzgerald. â€Å"Casablanca†(C.B.) coordinated by Micheal Curtiz and â€Å"Translations†(T.) composed by Brian Friel. The social setting of every one of the three writings impacts on how and why the individuals act the manner in which they do. In this exposition I will inspect the components which I thought had the most noteworthy effect on the characters which added to their conduct all through the accounts. The principal viewpoint I will look at is the setting of all writings †how it impacts in transit in which the primary characters act and the results it has on their conduct. G.G. is set in the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†in America. Fitzgerald set G.G. in a changed adaptation of Long Island and Manhattan where Great and Manhasset Neck turned out to be East and West Egg and the huge landfill site at Flushing is renamed the ‘valley of remains'. This captivating decade of the 1920’s was one of extraordinary social, imaginative and social turns of events. WWI had finished in 1918 and left individuals disappointed. This age battled and endure were ‘the lost age'. Right now, America appeared to hurl itself quick into a time of foolish conduct and realism. This time, otherwise called ‘The Jazz Age' was ad libbed and wild, jazz defied the norms of music similarly as ‘The Jazz Age' showed contempt for the standards of the past. Presently, the ‘American Dream' got unmistakable and the possibility of America being a place where there is new chances at life was tested and individuals came to accept that a decided and capable individual could accomplish anything, paying little heed to their social foundation. This was a quest for riches. G.G., dissimilar to the next two writings is set in a period where despite the fact that having quite recently came out of war, no other nation forced on America’s opportunity, which I think prompted more liberated ethics and washout conduct among the individuals (for instance, t he far reaching treachery). Dissimilar to G.G., C.B is set in Morocco’s genuine costal city of Casablanca under Vichy French principle (a manikin organization for the Germans) during the beginning of WWII. As of now, individuals from everywhere throughout the world, particularly Nazi involved Europe, came to Casablanca. Some attempting to get away and others, trick craftsmen attempting to get rich. It is portrayed as a â€Å"torturous outcast trail†to arrive at Casablanca where they â€Å"wait†for identification visas (letters of travel) to get away. The social setting of C.B. is introduced to us as we see a globe spinning gradually toward the start of the film. A definitive male voice gives us the time setting for the film. The fundamental activity of the film covers three days in the life of Rick Blaine, an American who has fled from Paris as the Nazis involved it. He has set up a cafã © in CB as he attempted to overlook his past and a shocking relationship. â€Å"Rick’s Cafã © Americano†is the most mainstream hang out, a spot where obscure dealings and betting happen. T. varies from the two messages as it praises the everyday and the mind and amusingness the ordinary. Dissimilar to G.G. furthermore, CB, T isn't remotely glamorized. Nonetheless, T and CB are similar as in the two writings contain individuals who endeavor to pick up their nations freedom. The setting of the play T. is a little provincial Irish talking network in the anecdotal townland of Baile Beag in County Donegal. It is 1833 and Ireland is under British Rule and part of the British Empire. It is a network of sharecroppers and anglers where occupants squeeze out a living from the land by developing potatoes by angling or by raising animals. The neighborhood individuals stress over the chance of potato scourge, dissimilar to the individuals in CB and GG who are ravenous for accomplishing cash through business and degenerate practices. The individuals of Baile Beag are reliant on the land, this is powerful considering the play is set not well before the Great Famine. There are not very many business openings in the territory and individuals are pitifully dressed, while in both elective messages the principle characters have a bashful style sense and appear to be rich. In any case, as CB the individuals are anxious to escape their province in T. Migration is among the alternatives accessible to the individuals who need to better their circumstance. The British armed force shows up in Baile Beag to lead a study of the zone so as to make another guide and the fighters are required to anglicize the spot names as they come. The changing of the old spot names will have a ruinous dangerous impact on the way of life of the territory. The new English names are both pointless and void. Another perspective which I feel is a focal factor in every one of the three writings is the job of the two people and how each sex demonstration towards one another. The three accounts reflect comparative qualities according to guys being the ruling sex and regularly in a negative setting. They are generally the providers and better than ladies. In GG, Tom Buchannan is adversely depicted. He is amazing and forceful. We see Tom’s pugnacious character when he is truly damaging to Myrtle by tearing her nose with his open hand. Myrtle and Tom are both hitched to others, however take part in an extramarital entanglements together. Tom is self ingested and egotistical, he doesn't really think about his better half Daisy while being unfaithful. This subject of contrarily depicting men is likewise noticeable in CB, Rick is egotistical â€Å"I don’t go out on a limb for anyone†. In CB, Rick is indicated not to regard Yvonne. He sends her on her way with a bar man who works for him since he thinks she is â€Å"too drunk†, Ugarte reacts to this activity, â€Å"you can't toss ladies around like that, some time or another they might be scarce†. In every one of the three messages the same, men battle for the love of a lady, which is represented from a macho perspective. In GG Tom and Jay battle for Daisy’s love., in CB Rick and Laslo battle for Ilsa’s love and in T George and Manus battle for Marie’s love. Desire and idealism is a typical factor over the three writings. Daisy tries to make it work with Tom, Ilsa needs to work her relationship with Laslo out and Marie will revive her adoration â€Å"when George returns†. Every one of the three ladies live in trust in a superior tomorrow. The job of ladies is a typical element in each the writings. In each of the three ladies have no autonomy; they depend on the men to accommodate them. They don't work and are completely observed as feeble. They are totally overwhelmed by men and acknowledge this reality. In GG, Daisy is rich and carries on with an extravagant way of life. Daisy is a languid character, â€Å"She put forth an attempt to rise†when Nick went into the room however was â€Å"paralysed with happiness†. Daisy states, â€Å"I’ve been lying on that couch for whatever length of time that I can remember†and says â€Å"We should design something†to Jordan. In any case, she is introduced as being troubled â€Å"she cried and cried†, she depicts h er own girl is viewed just like a â€Å"beautiful little fool†. Daisy likewise participates in an issue with Jay Gatsby, the way of life makes Daisy carry on in this improper way. In CB, ladies depend on men to make a life for them and free them from the restriction of Casablanca. They are depicted as being defenseless. Ilsa depends on the men, Rick or Lazlo to get her the letters of travel. The ladies in CB comply with the conventional jobs In T. once more, ladies have no freedom, they rely exclusively upon men to work and accommodate them. Sarah prevails with regards to conquering discourse trouble, however is then more terrible toward the finish of the play. She is introduced as being feeble and timid. She has a â€Å"waif-like†appearance. As I would like to think, Sarah represents the recommended delicacy and weakness of ladies. In any case, Marie then again is a solid character. She is a diligent employee â€Å"look at the blisters†and settles on a candid choice not to wed Manus, exclusively as a methods for endurance. Likewise in every one of the three writings, we catch a delicate and adoring side to the ladies; Ilsa cherishes both Rick and Lazlo. Be that as it may, these loves are altogether different. Daisy adores her little girl carefully and Marie begins to look all starry eyed at George. In spite of the fact that the three writings are indistinguishable one might say, there is an extraordinary variety in the sorts of ladies we experience over the three writings. In GG Myrtle is a feisty character, she defends herself to Tom â€Å"I’ll state whatever I like†yet is overwhelmed by him, the man whom she is taking part in an extramarital entanglements with. He breaks her nose and she continues meeting with him. Myrtle’s feisty freedom has just an inconsistency on itself in any case, as she just moves from ones keeps an eye on predominance to another. She is heavily influenced by her significant other who needs to accommodate her. Jordan additionally has a serious contemptibi lity; I don’t think she seems to be a decent character however I don't censure the characters for participating in such untruthfulness yet just the way of life where they live. Another part of the social setting which I feel adds to how and why the individuals in the writings carry on the way the do is religion. In the realm of the three writings, religion isn't a fundamental piece of regular day to day existence. It isn't noteworthy in their lives. Curiously, in GG a prevailing image inside this novel is according to Dr. T.J. Eckleburg. The eyes represent the loss of otherworldly qualities in America. The announcement was raised to advance the matter of an optometrist in Queensborough †the eyes represent the developing corporate greed of America †life in America is tied in with bringing in cash, a great deal of cash as prove by the abundance of individuals like Tom Buchanan †a man’s achievement is estimated as far as how much cash he is worth, not on what sort of individual he might be ethically. The board, similar to the otherworldly estimations of America, is ignored †â€Å"But his eyes, diminished a little by numerous paintless days, under sun and downpour, brood on over the serious dumpin
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business
In the light of the globalization, the issue of corporate obligation and morals in a business issues have gone to the fore. So as to advance corporate obligation in a business balance, it is important to find some kind of harmony between consistence based and honesty driven approaches.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More specifically, chiefs should focus on the manner in which representatives cling to legitimate norms; yet, understanding the estimation of coordinated ways to deal with achieving association objective is significant also. With respect to the cases under examination, the exacting accentuation ought to be set on the job of utilitarianism perspective as the central standards in thinking about clashing circumstances. Actualizing consistence or morals programs doesn't legitimately identify with the moral difficulties that happen in the work environment. Indeed, the genuine purposes behind rising clashes comprise in manager’s capacity to shape association vision, strategic, sets of principles. As a demonstrate Payne states, â€Å"†¦organizational morals implies more than staying away from illicit practice†(106). Hence, Apple’s instance of propelling new items is supported from utilitarian point of view in light of the fact that the results of their activities are more sensible than unique aim. From a moral point of view, alleviating $ 200 abatement is by all accounts affirmed in light of the fact that the organization strived to maintain a strategic distance from decrease in deals and productivity. Additionally, boosting the limit of different items has likewise permitted the association to continue typical turn of events and inspire representatives to work productively. By and by, utilitarian point of view endorses the choice made by the supervisors since it doesn't do any damage both to the purchasers and to the workers. Accordingly, presenting decline in cost can just pull in more clients and increment the ubiquity of the new model. The ethical worth of the case is more centered around the results instead of on the underlying purposes. While applying utilitarian perspective, Apple’s activities could be morally advocated in light of the fact that the new item has been propelled for boosting the utility of the old model. From one viewpoint, propelling another model down the middle a year is a standard procedure in a quickly creating mechanical world.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, a cost increment for the items couldn't be viewed as a moral predicament on the grounds that accomplished clients ought to know about the paces of the item advancement and could have trusted that the new model will show up. Then again, Apple could pro mptly introduce a markdown on iPhone 5 model, or give an advantageous offer. For example, a $ 200 discount on old models can be set up, which is a decent replacement for $ 200 increment for the advancement of the new model (Reeves n. p.). Therefore, utilitarian morals unbendingly stands up to the deontological point of view in light of the fact that the temperance morals couldn't be applied for this situation. The utilitarian perspective gives a full picture of Apple’s case difficulties and issues. Specifically, the organization was required to dispatch another item, despite the fact that the first aims appeared to be hazy. In any case, further business activities were aimed at lessening the cost for the models, just as growing new items that could upgrade the interest and increment the client base. Such a choice likewise emphatically impacts the government assistance of the Apple workers. With respect to the SOX divulgence activity, Apple’s case could be affirmed a sw ell on the grounds that straightforward detailing could get advantageous both for the organization supervisors and for the clients purchasing this item (Siegel n. p.). At last, utilitarian point of view centers around the results and, subsequently, shoppers could be increasingly urged to purchase Apple items. Works Cited Payne, Lynn Sharp. â€Å"Managing for Organizational integrity†. Harvard Business Review. 1994: 106-117. Web. Reeves, Clayton. â€Å"Subtle Innovation: Apple’s Incremental Improvement Strategy†, Seeking Alpha. 2012. Web.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Siegel, Marc A. â€Å"Option Backdating: Corporate Governance Remains a Challenge†. The CPA Journal. 2007. Web. This article on The Problem of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in a Business was composed and put together by client Nathalie Hawkins to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter Tips and Example
Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter Tips and Example You took the time and came up with a killer resume and cover letter.You even went a notch higher and aced that interview â€" a well pressed suit, best hair day, perfect scent and you answered the questions with such confidence you felt like James Bond.You saw it all in the eyes of the hiring managers on the interview panel. They were amazed!Now all that’s left is to sit back, relax and wait for that appointment letter. Right?Wrong!There’s something else that you need to do.Of course, your resume, cover letter and flawless answers in the interview room should set you apart from the other candidates, but you’ll be at a vantage point if you do one more thing.What’s the magic bullet?Following up the interview with a perfect thank you letter.This letter could give you the edge that you need to break the tie with your closest competitor so it could mean the difference between getting the job and getting regret mail. This is because in addition to showing that you are a courteous in dividual, it shows that you are genuinely interested and committed to getting the job.You can also use it to give a gentle nudge to your prospective employers if you haven’t received an update in a while.Depending on your situation and the available means of reaching out, the thank you letter can be a physical formal letter, a quick note or an email sent out to your hiring manager. Although it won’t make them hire you for a position you are not qualified for, it creates a positive impression of you in the eyes of hiring managers. So your interview doesn’t really end until this letter is sent.The important thing to remember is that this letter is simply not just a formality that should be done to check off all items on a checklist. It can be a powerful weapon when you follow the right approach. You don’t know how many candidates your hiring manager spoke to, so you should do everything you can to be memorable.Since a very small fraction of the applicants receive invitations t o interview, and usually only one will get a job offer, it’s important to do all you can to be the one. WHY YOU SHOULD SEND A JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERHere are a few reasons:It is good manners. Right from elementary school, we were taught to say thank you whenever someone does good to us. Your interviewers took time off their schedules to listen to you and that’s a good enough reason to say thank you.The second reason has a direct benefit to your job application. By sending a good thank you letter after the interview, you’ll be getting your name in front of your competitors one last time before the hiring decision is made. You can use this chance to leave a positive impression on your hiring managers and that will increase your chances of getting the job.I hate to break it to you, but sending a thank you letter is no longer an option. It’s an expectation. Why is that? There are employers out there who think less of candidates who don’t send thank you letters after interviews. To be fair, there is also a good number of others whose hiring decision won’t be affected by whe ther or not you sent a thank you letter. Unfortunately, you can’t tell when the letter could give you an edge, but we do know for sure that sending it has no negative effects on your application.It will only take a few minutes. Think back from the time you first heard about the job opening. How much time have you put in to get to where you are now? At least, you have spent a number of hours combined. Would you like all this work to go to waste just because of something that will only take a few minutes to do?A thank you note doesn’t only say thank you. You can use it as a tool to show that you really want to work for the company. It also gives a gentle nudge to the employer to get back. Here’s an example: “Thanks for chatting with me on Tuesday about the Web Developer job at ABC. I was particularly thankful for your description of the new user portal that ABC is planning to roll out next year. I’m excited to learn more.â€It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile. According to a report by Monster, a thank you letter tells the interviewer that you are willing to do what it takes to get the job. Instead of promising them heaven in the interview room and looking desperate, you could show them with your actions by actually going the extra mile. Besides, if you can’t take the extra step to get the job, who knows how you’ll be six months in after you are hired?A job interview thank you letter may not give you a job that you are not qualified for, but it will tip the scale in your favor. Imagine you are a hiring manager and you have narrowed down the search to two candidates. Both of them are qualified for the position, experienced and they look passionate and promising. However, only one of them sends a thank you letter. Which candidate are you likely to go with? You will agree with me that the one who took time to say thank you looks more attractive.By now you must be convinced that a job interview thank you letter is a must for every intervi ew that you attend. Let’s now move forward and look at some common pitfalls to ensure that you are doing it right.MISTAKES TO AVOID IN YOUR JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERA job interview thank you letter is an important part of your job application. Don’t take it as just another formality that is done because most people do it. Here are some mistakes to look out for when working on your thank you letter:Don’t make excuses. No matter how bad the interview went, don’t use the thank you letter to explain your mistakes or apologize for anything that didn’t go as planned. Instead, focus on the good things that happened in the meeting. Even if the interview went wrong, this will get them going on reasons why they should hire you and who knows? They could choose to overlook the flaws when they remember the good parts.Don’t send the same letter to different interviewers. Let’s assume you interacted with three different people in the interview and you intend to send a thank you letter to all three of them. Drafting just one letter and only changing their names won’t give you a big advantage. If you want to really impress your interviewers, take time and personalize the message for every recipient. Take their name during the interview and be sure to mention something that the person shared during the interview.Don’t oversell yourself. The letter is intended to show gratitude so avoid statements that sound too salesy. Statements like “This job is perfect for my background†should not be seen. Instead, show your excitement about the possibility of applying your skills in projects that were mentioned in the interview.Avoid aggressive requests. Mentioning that you will be calling to ask about the status of your application in a few days or weeks won’t work in your favor. It will only show your desperation. It’s okay to make a follow-up call at the end of the window given by the employer during the interview. However, you don’t have to mention it i n the thank you letter.Don’t include references unless you have been asked for them. Although sometimes employers will ask you to send a list of references after the interview, they are not always required. Sending the list distracts from the primary aim of the letter which is to show your gratitude and interest in the job.Avoid talking about reimbursements or remuneration in the interview. Even if you were promised some reimbursement for your interviewing expenses and you have not received any, don’t mention that in the thank you letter. Instead, focus on delivering your gratitude and standing out.With that out of the way, let’s look at what your thank you letter should have.VITAL ELEMENTS OF A JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERYou’ll be happy to hear that if you’ve made it this far down the hiring process, preparing a thank you letter will be a breeze for you. It’s nothing compared to the effort it took to prepare your resume and cover letter, or the time it took to prepar e for the interview.However, its importance cannot be overemphasized. It’s vital that you do it right. You want it to have a positive impact on your application. Here’s how to do it:Be AuthenticThink about the door to door salesman trying to sell you detergent. If during the presentation you have any reason to think that what they are saying is not true, chances are that you won’t buy. The same is true for your job interview thank you letter. The product you are selling is yourself and if for any reason the hiring manager feels that you are not being genuine, they won’t buy.Studies have shown that 96% of employers would pick someone with the right attitude over someone with a perfect skillset. Honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness were named among the top six attitude qualities that are sought after. Your thank you needs to be sincere and not just another chance to pitch yourself.The best way to do this? Go personal. Try to remember something relevant that happened during the interview. It could be something that the particular interviewer said or did during the interview. Mention this in your letter. For example, say something like this: “Your flow chart with the flow of work in the department helped give me a clear picture of the expectations in this position.â€Of course, it should be something you genuinely enjoyed during the interview.Mention NamesNothing shows you as selfish like sending a thank you letter addressed “To whom it may concernâ€. You were with them in the interview, and you were introduced. If you can’t remember them, why should they remember you? Your message should be relevant, customized and compelling to everyone who receives it.It can be hard sometimes to get the names of all the people who interviewed you if the panel was big. A good practice is to take every chance you get in the interview room to mention their name. For example, saying something like “That’s a very good question, Mr. Smith. The reason why…†then you go ahead and answer their question will help you recall their names. You can then transfer them all to your notebook after the interview for use in your thank you letter.While you are at it, make sure you don’t send the wrong message to anyone. Make sure you have the right names. If need be, you can confirm the names with LinkedIn profiles. Most people have their basic information on the website along with a description of their position.Put Your Best Foot ForwardHow many times have you clicked away from a website because of a bad user experience? The job market today is flooded, hence employers have too many options to settle overlook even the small errors. With this in mind, you should make a point of making sure your letter is well done.Make it brief and to the point so that the interviewer can see that you appreciate their time, but don’t make it look like an afterthought that you scribbled and sent. It needs to have proper salutation and sign off.You should also proofr ead and make sure that it has no typos, grammatical errors or formatting issues. It might be a simple thank you note, but that doesn’t mean that your prospective employer won’t use it to evaluate your writing and communication skills.Be TimelyFor best results, you should send your thank you letter within 24 hours from the time you finished the interview. Ideally, you should do it on the same day you did the interview. You should not take more than 2 days to send this letter.The longer you wait, the higher the chances of finding that the decision has already been made hence your letter won’t have any significant advantage to your application.Show Your ExcitementIn your thank you letter, let your employer know that you are very interested and excited about the possibility of filling the position. Show your passion for the industry and admiration for the company. This would be a good time to talk about something positive about the company that you discovered during the interview. For example, “I was happy to learn that ABC is so determined to take part in environmental conservation by minimizing on the use of paper. I find that admirable and something that everyone should be doing.â€Highlight Your Key Selling PointsThe main reason why the interview was done is to ensure that the company finds a good fit for the position. Your thank you letter needs to show that you will be a good fit. The best way to do this is by mentioning some of your selling points and how they relate to this job.You should be very careful not to overdo this because it will make you sound salesy. It’s very important that you only mention a few selling points in a relevant manner. Ideally, you should talk about new information that you got from the interview.Here’s an example about how you can mention your selling points: “It was interesting to learn that ABC is currently going through a leadership transition. Having participated in the transition process in my current company wh en our Marketing Director left, I have skills that could help make the process faster and easier.â€Be ConfidentLike we mentioned above, don’t your thank you letter sound like an apology letter. It should reinforce the fact that you are the right person for the job.So be passionate and confident in the letter and inject some personality. However, don’t exaggerate your abilities just to sound good.SAMPLELet’s finish by looking at a sample.John Doe,34 Railway Street,Pasadena, CA 53454.[Phone Number][Date] Ms. Ashley Williams,Marketing Manager,ABC Inc.543 Main Street,Pasadena, CA 34345.Dear Ms. Williams,I would like to thank you and your staff for taking the time to meet with me and discuss the Graphic Designer position at ABC Inc. I particularly enjoyed hearing about your own experience at ABC and how it has impacted your career path. I was very excited to hear about the new graphical email campaigns that you are planning to switch to and as I mentioned, I believe that they wil l have a big positive impact on your conversion rates. I must admit, when we moved to media-rich emails at XYZ, some members of the marketing team were a bit skeptical about the move. However, the results spoke for themselves and we all wished we had started earlier. I’m confident that the experience will help me deliver in this position.I’ve been thinking about the move and I’ll be happy to talk to you about some ideas that I have for the campaigns when we speak. Thanks again for your time. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can forward to make your hiring decision easier.Best Regards, John Doe.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Kittys Problematic Characterization Gender, Sexuality, and History in The Painted Veil - Literature Essay Samples
Like every other form of systemic oppression, patriarchy has its roots spread across different cultures, places and time periods. There is no denying that women have been marginalized, both in fact and in fiction, well into the 20th century. In an androcentric world where every other gender is seen as secondary and is used as a mere tool for facilitating the advancement of the man-child, the interwar period saw little to no difference about how women were to be treated and perceived. Recent historians after conducting thorough surveys have reached the general consensus that the so-called emancipation of women that came with the first world war was ephemeral. As an author of the era, W. Somerset Maugham had often and rightly so been labeled as a misogynist for his unfair portrayal of women. His novel the Painted Veil chronicled the life of Kitty Fane, an upper-class woman who had been portrayed as vain and promiscuous. Even though she was the protagonist, her character had been shaped in terms of the relationships and interactions she had with men throughout the course of the novel. Her story arc showed her jumping from one man to another; we never get to know her as a complete individual whose life didn’t revolve around the lives of men. Maugham, apparently, thought it acceptable to make Kitty the only one paying the price of having an affair with Charlie, even though it was mutually consensual. This reflects the collective consciousness of a highly gendered society whose lowest rungs were occupied by women. Charlie’s male privilege allowed him to go scot free while Kitty was the one who got estranged from the comfort of her home and was made to travel to cholera stricken Mei Tan Fu. Even when she returned to England, after Walter, her husband’s, death, she wasn’t allowed to navigate the world on her own. She was entrusted to the care of her father as a woman was not allowed to exist without a man. In the wake of world war one, the glass ceiling that was partially broken while the war was still on, was restored as men claimed their jobs back. The 1919 Restoration of pre-war practices act compelled most women to go back to the realm of domesticity abandoning their wartime roles, to make space for men. Gender norms were reproduced as women were once again expected to adhere to the duties that were traditionally labeled as feminine. Their roles were restricted to those of a mother or a wife. Even though some lower and middle class women continued working for strictly financial reasons, things were harder for upper class women like Kitty. Their basic necessities like food and clothes were easily met, owing to the comfortable economic status of their husbands and fathers. Upper class women like Kitty often had to stay stuck in unhappy marriages as the concept of women working was thought of as degrading. This was the patriarchal society’s way of policing the lives and bodies of women. The concept of women’s financial or any form of independence for that matter was considered as radical and outrageous. However, there is no denying the fact that in the wake of world war one the lives of women were changed for the better to some extent. World war one planted the first seeds of equity between men and women. Even though the world was still trying to maintain the status quo that prioritised men, women were slowly making a place for themselves in the outside world. In Kitty’s case, the public world came under the guise of social work that didn’t violate societal codes of femininity. She was assigned a role of a caregiver, the role thought of as intrinsic to women, for orphaned children. Maugham did not let her leave the domestic sphere as women having access to a public world that was not bounded by the inhibitions of domesticity would be stumbling blocks for patriarchy to flourish. Nonetheless, what matters here is how he gave her a complex storyline unwittingly. The author wrote,â€Å"Kitty had been brought up with the knowledge that she was going to be a beautiful woman and she more than suspected her mothers ambition. It accorded with her own desires. She was launched upon the world and Mrs Garstin performed prodigies in getting herself invited to dances where her daughter might meet eligible men. Kitty was a success. She was amusing as well as beautiful, and very soon she had a dozen men in love with her†. Marriage for women was more of a vocation than a bond of mutual respect and love. Walter thought of Kitty as someone who was ‘silly and frivolous and empty-headed’ and whose ‘aims and ideals were vulgar and commonplace’. Kitty who had grown up internalising that beauty was the price she had to pay for her existence, bag a good husband and never thought much highly of herself, for the first time found security within herself and a sense of self-actualization due to social work. Just like the first world war solidified women’s trust on their own potential, Kitty’s newfound precarious but budding iden tity made her find a home, she had been searching for in all the wrong people, within herself. This was evident from her longing to stay back with the nuns even after Walter’s death. The narrative that dictated the society of the prewar and interwar period excluded women’s sexuality from being part of its equation. The state-sanctioned ideal of a perfect woman invalidated women’s sexual desires. Acknowledging the fact that women are sexual beings would mean giving them bodily autonomy which is the stepping stone in dismantling the entire structure of patriarchy. Kitty’s extramarital affair with Charlie stemmed from her unconscious desire of gaining right to her own body which was something women have been refrained from having since the beginning of time. A woman’s body is always political and belongs to the state where she has absolutely no say. Kitty used her sexual intimacy with Charlie as a form of self-expression. Considering the resources available to her, this was the most militant she could get. By having a consensual sexual relationship with Charlie, Kitty tried to certify that her body was her own territory and it was inacces sible to her husband. Legitimising women’s sexual desires meant giving them access to their bodies and thus humanising them. They were not to be considered as objects whose soul purpose was to cater to the fantasies of men. This would eventually lead to a total collapse of the patriarchal framework upon which the society was rooted. The gap between what was expected of Kitty and the choices she made in reality made Maugham’s moral lens paint her in a negative light. No matter what the author said, Kitty’s act of adultery was no less than a sexual revolution. Mrs Garstin, Kitty’s mother, projected her ambition onto her husband and daughters as was evident from the passage,â€Å"It was unlikely now that Bernard Garstin would ever be made a judge of the High Court, but he might still hope for a County Court judgeship or at the worst an appointment in the Colonies. Meanwhile she had the satisfaction of seeing him appointed Recorder of a Welsh town. But it wa s on her daughters that she set her hopes. By arranging good marriages for them she expected to make up for all the disappointments of her career†. She died before her husband got appointed as the Chief Justice of Bahamas. Unlike her mother’s generation, who lived vicariously through their husbands, Kitty’s generation took things in their own hands to liberate themselves. Kitty never conformed to the idea of women being childish, sexually ignorant and naive and which was why she was shamed. Kitty’s sexual intimacy with Charlie was actually her way of exploring her body and her identity. Every art form is political and a product of its time. The interwar period saw a significant change in the lives of women, because of a number of women’s rights movements like the Suffragettes and the Sex Disqualification act of 1919. Things didn’t turn around in a day for women but the initial seeds were planted, for their future emancipation and sexual, psychological and legal liberation, during the interwar period. Depicting a woman character from his misogynistic standpoint was how Maugham perpetuated the negative stereotypes about women. Kitty was doomed to a lifetime of servitude for living her life the way she wanted to for once. He presented himself as the omniscient writer and constructed a reality for Kitty so to strip away the power of language from her. This was his way of countering the societal changes concerning women that were inimical to the privilege his gender had been enjoying. No matter how problematic Kitty’s representation is in this book, some credit has to be accorded to Maugham for portraying Kitty as a flawed individual and not as a paragon of virtue as was expected of her gender. â€Å"The Painted Veil†remains an important interwar novel as it opened room for other writers to follow suit and sketch woman characters in such a way so as to normalise their being imperfect individuals, who should not be demonised for not meeting unrealistic societal standards of morality.
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